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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Not sure what to do.

I put myself out there. I found my birth family. The only true connection left is with Sandra (birth mom.) I'm almost to the point of giving up on trying. Why keep trying to keep the connection? Why is it in my hands? If my birth family wants something to do with me, then they can call/text/message me on facebook. 

I'm just frustrated right now.


Anonymous said...

Hi there I just wanted to let you know that you haven't been a very good friend to me. I expected more from you, I still do.You don't even attempt to get to get to know me.Not even as a friend. I feel like I haven't been given a fair shake. Ive known you for a long time now. I feel a little disrespected by it.You made a short comment to me maybe a year or two ago that I haven't forgot about which ties into this.I don't want to cause a big stir with you but at the same time this needs to be said for the good of me. I have alot to offer but apparently you don't see that.You should re evaluate the way you handle your relationships in life. That shouldn't translate into simply deleting people from your page. It should translate in you being more considerate with people. Take the time to get to know your friends. More than ANYTHING Ive just said, do that one thing. Take the time to get to know your friends.

Lillyanya said...

Well, it would help to know who you are.

Anonymous said...

Who am I? I am one of your brightest friends.I am the best friend that you have in your life that you don't utilize.I feel confident in saying that. You just need to try harder and give me a fair shake. It seems like all that you care about is yourself and your feelings.As if I don't have feelings or things that go on in my life that you don't care to ask or know about. It is totally evident in the way you would communicate with me.Just try harder!On your Facebook page you are a open book to the public but when I actually try to talk to you in messages it is so very much one sided. I always reached out to you.You were always reluctant to get know me or ask me how I am doing.You are always curt with me.On top of that it is unhealthy for me to view all the comments from your men admirers and things that take place with your new boyfriend Joe. This is why I made a decision. My door is open. I don't have you blocked or anything. I am just tired of being a neglected adornment on your friends list.Sorry if I shit on your blog a little bit Candace.. it's not like anyone reads it though but me.... your real friend.

Anonymous said...

Well, why not confront me instead of posting anon on a blog I no longer update and just check occasionally now.