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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Random thoughts!

It has been 16 days since I last saw my brother, and I miss him terribly. It is like a piece of me was taken away when he left. It is hard to explain, and I don't have anybody I can really talk to about it. Jacob is moving up here the weekend of April 22 (we hope.) It feels like that is an eternity away. It is harder to stay connected on the internet especially if you are like me. I usually have at least 4 different tabs open that I am surfing at one point or another. You have something that needs to be taken care of, and you walk away from the computer. We've only skyped twice since they left. I also miss Shelly. It's hard, but I know it will be better here soon.

I think that the closeness of me and Jacob has effected the relationship I have with A. It feels like she is distancing herself from me a bit. I hope that isn't true, but that is what it feels like. I don't know why me and Jacob have such a strong connection, but I'm glad we do. I hope it never changes. They say the intensity will wear down in six months to a year, but I hope it doesn't. I don't know. It is frustrating being so far away. It scares me that we may lose that strong connection we had when he was here. I hope it is the same when he gets back. Ugh, so many crazy thoughts running through my head right now. I just wish we would talk online as much as we did when he first left. We would spend HOURS talking, and I know he is packing and preparing for the move with Shelly. I know he has a life, but I feel like I'm not a big part of it right now. Yes, I know that is silly.

Well, that is all for now. I'll try updating more frequently.

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