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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Roller Coaster From Hell

They say that adoption reunion is a HUGE roller coaster... They weren't lying. You can go from a high to a low in just a few minutes! I have had one person that I have really connected to. He understood me.. That was my brother Jacob. He moved up here in May... Well, he is now moving back to Arkansas. He blindsided me in a text. I can't help but feel like I was lied to... For 7 months.... Make that 8...

I am at my ultimate low right now... At least all I can do is go up from here.. It really sucks losing the person that finally understood you... I know I'm not losing him per say, but we won't talk... Not that much. I know that. I knew that when he went back the first time after meeting him... We didn't talk that much at all... He said we'd skype all of the time. We did like twice. Then, he and his fiance moved up here.

I don't know what to do. It just hurts. I was blindsided by a text.... Plain and simple... He didn't even have the courtesy to tell me in person when he gets back tomorrow... Why? Did he not want to see my tears. Yes, I want him to be happy, but at the same time I'm hurt.. I always wanted a big brother... At least, I got one for 8 months.. He will always be my big brother, but he won't be here. He will be 8 hours away... He says we'll talk all of the time, and visit each other.... I honestly, don't see that happening like he says... Just another thing I need to get over.... It's times like these that I wonder why I ever searched....

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