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Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Feelings About Being Adopted

This is something that I haven't really talked about to many people, but I feel it is a huge part of my story. I don't think many people are reading, so that is what is allowing me to write this at this time.

I grew up in a normal nuclear family until I was around age twelve. I had always tried to figure out why my sister and I were only seven months apart, but in my young mind I never guessed one of us was adopted. I always looked like my mom. I looked more like my mom then my sister did. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She is tall and very thin. My mom and I both have dark hair and dark eyes. We are shorter in stature and we are not completely thin. We both have hazel eyes. We both even have hair on our legs that grows fast. Trust me, that is extremely annoying. When Mom told me that I was adopted thoughts ran through my head that she was lying. I thought my sister was adopted, and she was telling me I was because she thought I could handle it better then my sister. Later on, I gave into the fact that my mom never gave birth to me. As I grew up, I accepted this.

There were always things after I found out that made me compared my sister and myself. Whenever she got something better or more clothes for school, I blamed it on the fact that she was their biological child. Whenever my dad was more mean to me, I figured it was because I was not his blood. I didn't really go through abandonment issues until I found out that I was the only one she gave up for adoption. (My parents didn't know that she had given a boy up when she was fifteen.) I wondered why I was given up. My parents said that she had two boys that she kept. I wondered if it was because I was a girl. Why wouldn't a mother want her baby girl? I never understood, and I probably won't until later in this reunion. She has told me that it was because she couldn't take care of me. I will accept this. I now know it wasn't just because I was a girl. She has three other girls now that are in her life. I used to be angry with her, mainly because, I thought she had given me up for the wrong reasons. I don't know why I get angry sometimes. I think it is because when I'm mad at my parents I wonder what my life would have been like with her. She has told me that it wasn't good, and I believe her. It doesn't make me wonder any less, though.

There's always something else I've wondered. What would it have been like to grow up with an older brother? I'm the oldest child in my family. Well, there's only two of us and my sister is younger so that makes me, of course, the oldest. I don't know if it is some kind of bond that I still have with my birth family, but I've always thought about an older brother. I never wanted an older sister. I wanted an older brother who would protect me when a boy was picking on me. I wanted an older brother who would go kick some guys ass because he had broke my heart. My dad was never that sort of man. He would just rather not get involved in the fact that I even had a boyfriend. That, of course, was when I was younger. Now that I'm older, he loves the fact that I'm engaged.

I wonder if it's every adoptee who feels this way. Wonders if they weren't good enough or loved enough. I hope that's not the reason that anybody is put up for adoption, but to think that, is to be naive. It does happen. I just hope that's not the beginning to my story.


Anonymous said...

"I wonder if it's every adoptee who feels this way. Wonders if they weren't good enough or loved enough. I hope that's not the reason that anybody is put up for adoption, but to think that, is to be naive. It does happen. I just hope that's not the beginning to my story."
I always thought that too. I also wondered if I'd ever passed her on the street and I'd look at women and try to see if they looked like me. When I was in grade school, I always fantasized that she was rich and famous. Duh - if she was rich, why would she have given me up. Knowing what I do now about my birth mother and her life, it makes me even more grateful to my adoptive family. They were so good to me, I have no reason to complain. Just remember everything happens for a reason. I like reading your blog because I can relate to everything you are saying!

Lillyanya said...

You should start one too. :) We could be blog buddies! I used to think that too. I thought maybe she was a rock star and couldn't take care of me so she gave me up for adoption. Wow, how stupid was I? It does make you appreciate your family even more.

NightGod said...

For the record, not all of us feel that way. In my experience, it tends to happen more to girls than boys for whatever reason-my sister has gone through those feelings, whereas I never went through it-talking with others has followed that same general trend.

I honestly had only rarely thought about my birth parents as I was growing up-they came to mind during major events like marriage and children being born, and I always wanted some medical background, but it was never a huge thing for me.

I wonder sometimes if that's why my finding out who my BM is has had such a minor impact on my life. Bit of a mystery to me, honestly.

Lillyanya said...

That is why I posted that it was MY feelings on being adopted. I never said that everyone DOES feel that way. I said I WONDER if every adoptee who feels that way.

Jessi said...

Hi! you don't know me, but i have enjoyed reading about your reunion. i was adopted. I know it was out of complete love that my bmom gave me up. she wrote me a letter saying how much she loved me and wanted me, but couldn't give me all i needed.

I'm am so happy for you in finding S. How fun for the both of you!! I am still hoping to find my missing link - my mom.